A Daily Workout Plan for Couples to Develop a Stronger Bond

The best way to stay fit and take care of yourself and your partner is by having a proper fitness regime that includes a proper diet, enough rest, and regular exercise. It is definitely good for you to stick to a particular routine, but it will be more fun and enjoyable if you exercise with your partner. As a couple you get to spend some quality time with your partner while you are doing the exercise together.

Even though two of you might be at different fitness levels and have different goals, but thus dose not means that you can’t exercise together. There are plenty of reasons such as your partner’s safety, giving you quality time to spend with your partner, you also develop a common interest, becoming a motivation and support for a partner, developing a deeper bonding, gaining more respect about your partner and feeling proud about your relationship, this will altogether help you develop a balanced relationship.


Check out the various benefits of working out with your partner.


1.    To get started, enroll yourself in a class that offers exercise for couples. A Salsa Dancing Class can be a good choice, but if either of you is not willing to dance, then you can consider other options such as yoga, swimming, 5K tanning, trekking, gym, etc.

 2.    Do cardio exercise that offers you and your partner to perform exercise of different fitness levels. Exercises such as indoor cycling, treadmill, etc. that allows a person to do exercise according to his fitness level easy, moderate or intense.

 3.    Do your cardio exercise side by side with each other. Pick two workout machines placed next to each other so that you can work together while working separately to reach your goals at you own pace.

 4.    Do all you’re stretching’s together so that you will get a chance to work-out together and will also benefit you and your partner fitness-wise. Giving a slight push or a gentle tug to your partner during stretching can help him improve his/her flexibility.

 5.    Being in variations to your exercising forms, try to fit into your partner exercising routine if you can plan one for yourself.

 6.    Below is the proper exercising routine for couples

 7.    All the exercises that you must include to your daily exercising routine must include the individuals’ needs, goals and comfort level of you and your partner.

 8.    Every time before beginning with your exercising routine it is important to do our warm-up for at least 5 minutes. Do not forget to cool down after your exercising routine.

Read to find the list of daily exercises that can be performed by you and your partner. Repeat at least 4-5 sets of each form of workout mentioned below. It is important for you and your partner to work at a level that suits both of you.

•    Squats (Barbell Pullover, Full Squat, Chin Ups, Dips, and Decline Bench Sit Ups)

•    Quad Stretch (Standing Quadricep, Sidelying Quadricep, Prone Quadricep and Advanced Quadricep)

•    Lunges (Walking Lunges, Forward Lunges and Modified Lunges)

•    Dips (Dips with Knees Bent and Dips With Straight Legs)

•    Back Extension

•    Hamstring Stretch

•    Torso Stretch

•    Crunches (Bicycle Crunches and Crunches with Twist)

•    Shoulder and Biceps Stretch

•    Triceps Stretch

•    Planks (Simple Planking and Modified Planking)

•    Bridge-Ups or Bridges or Reverse Planks

•    Outer Thigh and Gluteal Stretches

Exercising in general also leads you towards increasing your stamina, strength and self-image. Performing physical activity such as exercising is a positive activity that you can share with your partner to strengthen your relationship. However, exercising dose not only means lifting weight, going to the gym or doing countless crunches. As a couple you can also find it as a mutual interest and expand on it.




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